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Shemi Amarsi-Sallis was a quiet but adventurous woman, an artist, a story-teller and poet, a joyous cook, an entertainer of multitudes, and a seeker with a deep spiritual life. This website was created to let the world share the beauty of her spirit and to demonstrate how much she was loved. The photos show some of the rich life she led, accompanied by her friends, coworkers, and admirers. The photos of her art show the wild creativity that bubbled under the surface of her shy manner. All the stories and poems we could find are posted here. Unfortunately we only have one video of Shemi, but it is a brief documentary of her creating her artistic masterpiece, The Mountain of Life. 

The biography page includes an obituary. We invite you to send photos, tributes, and memories to 

© 2023 by Sarah Lane. 

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